The majority of people today utilise and therefore by default rely upon computers to go about their daily business with greater ease. Stored computer data will occasionally become corrupted, its an unfortunate fact of life. When this happens unprepared people often spend huge amounts of time getting the problem solved by paying specialists in data recovery or buying software that recovers data. Additionally, in the worst case scenario, not all data may be recovered! If you are prepared these frequently serious problems can be heavily reduced making your life easier.
"Prevention is better than a cure" with regards to computer data problems. By just backing up your data often in a sensible, logical, easy to find location you are able to massively increase your efficiently at resolving a data loss crisis. Time and stress with locating and re-loading your saved data will be far less than if you hadn't taken the short time and effort to produce the back-ups and/ or programe files from the originals.
Files can be backed up onto any of the wide variety of media available today, e.g. CDs, external or internal hard drives, DVDs, tape drives or specifically designed removable media such as the Iomega REV drive. Usage of optical media (e.g. DVD?s, CD?s) is believed to be much less reliable in terms of a back-up. This media is far more prone to surface errors. The advantages and disadvantages (regards capacity/ ease of use, etc) of each particular media type should be chosen with regards to your situation. Importantly each media type will tend to perform efficiently, its best to try and stick to the media type that you find works best.
Many very reliable back-up programmes are in existance, one of the most well known is included with Microsoft Windows back-up software. Microsoft Windows XP users know this programme as NTBackup. If your computer doesn?t already have this installed all you have to do is simply place your Windows CD in your computer disc drive and locate the file called "ValueAdd\MSFT\ntbackup". This is a file can that can then be run in the folder with which it was originally found, i.e. ntbackup.msi. Rapidly this file will produce the back-up software you so require, wizards ever present to help lead you through the file backup and resoration protocol.
With all the important backup software installed and fully functional it is vital that you make use of it frequently. Saving of your work should be done at least once per day ideally. If at all possible a separate back-up drive or disc should be used for every day of the week. This will provide that extra added security and peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on more pressing issues. The large majority of businesses, from the large to tiny, adopt this basic and also fundamental data loss prevention method, and for a very good reason, it really works and can save a massive amount of stress, time and often vitally, money.